
Tips from Sarah Cheng

Tips from Sarah Cheng

Sara Cheng , CIBC Mellon Fund Accountant, NHC Class 8 Participant

1`There are several very important interview questions that will determine whether you can kill the interview. First of all is talk about yourself, this should be brief and stick to the point, and should include your background, what did you do that prepared you better for this job, why you are here (show your passion), what’s your short term goal. Maximum 2 mins, if it is too long and too boring, the interviewer will lose interest right away.

2`The second question that matters is why this company and why this position? Do your research on the company that you are applying for, know their values, connect these values to your own experience and demonstrate these values through your examples. You have to know the position in and out, and why you like it. Even if you don’t really like it ,you have to do the research and make it up.

3`The third one is why should we hire you. This is where you really need to sell yourself. Even if they don’t ask it directly, you have to say it somehow in the end. For this question, look at the job description and qualifications carefully, select the most important points and emphasize you have those qualifications (always have examples to back up your answers). My way of answering it is “from my understanding of this position, xx,xx,and xx are the top qualifications, and then I will provide a brief example of how I demonstrated these qualifications. Remember to mention how your transferable skills can make value to the company and you are eager to contribute your effort. ALWAYS SHOW YOUR PASSION!

4`The rest of the behavior questions are just testing your soft skills. Remember at the end of the day,people want to see you as a well-rounded person, not a book worm or a machine.So , just be yourself , be confident, keep smiling, give them a good first impression, let them feel your passion for the job, have examples in mind that can demonstrate your qualifications. And then you are ready to go!

5`At the end of the interview, prepare at least three good questions to ask the interviewer to show that you did your research and you really care about this job. Make sure you can back up the question you asked. For example, if you ask” How do you evaluate the performance of your team members” and they said something. You could say” yeah,if I were hired, I would definitely….(follow what they said and say that you could do it)

6`Always ask them what’s the next hiring process, ask them for business card and remember to send thank you letter within 24hrs.

New Horizon Career Club