
NHC Distinguished Speakers’ Series: Overview of Private Banking

NHC Distinguished Speakers’ Series: Overview of Private Banking

Date: December 6th, 2014 (Saturday)

Registration: 9:30am – 10:00am

Event: 10:00am – 12:00pm

曾几何时北国的寒冷不再让人却步,曾几何时温暖的被窝不再与你纠缠,曾几何时“内容丰富,高端大气”的NHC课程吸引了无数淳淳学子的脚步,陶醉在一场场启 迪的盛宴之中。寒冬新至,早已换上皮裘,围着暖炉吃着火锅的你,是否已经准备好享用来自BMO Harris Private Banking 的 Roger Fang 和BMO Global Asset Management 的Jessie Huang 的知识暖汤?

相 信好学上进的NHC的伙伴们一定已经从之前的讲座中了解到银行机构内部各业务条线之间的协调与互动。Private Banking,作为Retail Banking中独特且不可分割的一部分,其概念与起源到底是什么?有着怎样特殊的性质?服务于哪个群体?以什么样的形态推动着金融业银行业的发展?这些 问题的谜底,都将于12月6日一一揭开。

NHC的Speaker Series系列活动旨在通过讲座形式,帮助成员们构建起一个完整的金融业框架,在进一步提高同学们兴趣的同时,强化同学们对金融业各组成部分的理解。本 次Speaker Series将先由开场嘉宾Jessie Huang介绍资产管理部门的业务和知识, 之后主讲Roger Fang会分享他在Private Banking领域的实战经验。在Q&A环节,对本次讲座以及职业规划的疑思大家可以畅所欲言,大胆提问。


由 于场地限制需严格控制出席人数,请成功报上名的小伙伴于下周注意查看由volunteer(非Eventbrite发出)发出的邮件,邮件中有详细的讲座 地点。只需简单回复确认出席即可,感谢合作。若报上名而临时不能参加,麻烦提前通知volunteer,我们会将座位让给在waiting list上的小伙伴们。NHC导师们,如有兴趣参加讲座,请联络Angie/Lian/class facilitator。

Topics covered:

-What is private panking? Who are their customers? What are the differences between retail and private Banking?

– How does BMO Private Banking works? Why was BMO considered to be one of the best Private Banks in Canada?
– What is the major business of the BMO Private Bank in Asia? What are the differences between Private Banking in North America and in Asia/China?
– Case study
– Career path in Private Banking
– Q&A

Speakers’ Bios:

Roger Fang, Regional Director, BMO Harris Private Banking

Mr. Roger Fang has been with BMO for 11 years and progressed through different roles in brivate banking. Mr. Fang started his career as a senior analyst after graduation, then moved on to strategy/initiative role with a focus in the China market. Mr. Fang is currently working as a Regional Director for Business Management in BMO Private Bank Asia. He is responsible for strategy planning, product design and development, process improvement and financial management.

Jessie Huang, Channel Manager, BMO Global Asset Management

Jessie has worked with BMO Global Asset Management for 4 years and she is responsible for channel management, salesforce engagement, product marketing, and customer strategy. Prior to BMO and Ivey MBA, Jessie has worked for two marketing and strategy consulting firms for over five years.

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