
Career in Risk Management and the PRM Designation

Career in Risk Management and the PRM Designation

PRMIA Toronto Chapter and New Horizon Career Club present:

Career in Risk Management

and the Professional Risk Managers(PRM) Designation

Date: Tuesday September 23, 2014

Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM; registration begins at 5:00 PM

Location: Duke of Westminster, First Canadian Place, 77 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ontario

Fee: $25(includes one drink (beer, wine or cocktail) and hors d’oeuvre)

你 是否在风控的门口徘徊许久却不得其门而入?你是否刚刚入职风控领域却彷徨不知下一步的发展方向?你是否在风控某一细分领域钻研许久后想与业内同行有更多交 流?为了满足广大朋友在风险管理方向的兴趣及发展需求,NHC (New Horizon Career Club) 特与PRMIA (Professional Risk Management International Association) 联袂奉献: Career in Risk Management and the PRM Designation)。这次活动已经邀请来诸多业内人士,包括并不限于BMO Capital Market的Managing Director和TD Asset Management的Vice President等。希望能给大家带来一次不一样的after-work networking event experience。整个活动现余10+张票,预购从速。详情请见如下通讯:

Event Overview

“The best vision is insight.” – Malcolm Forbes

Those who build true wealth do so with insight. This event allows young risk professionals and graduates to gain invaluable insight from outstanding industry practitioners not only on how to become exceptional leaders but how to contribute towards strengthening the industry risk management practices and building wider economic stability.

The participants will also have the opportunity to learn how to advance their skills and knowledge and gain an edge by pursuing the Professional Risk Managers designation from the Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA) that will set them apart from the rest of the competition.

Confirmed attendees include MD from BMO and VP from TD, etc.

Stay tuned for a list of upcoming events – go to




New Horizon Career Club